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“Ultimately, opportunities for the promotion of peace and more equitable practices are closer than many of us can imagine; from teaching our own students to resolve conflict in constructive and empowering ways, to explicitly teaching peace in the world, to advocating more research on language and peace and the implementation of the findings of such research efforts, we must start to promote and reinforce what works rather than exclusively denounce what does not. There are those who believe that a state of conflict is a natural part of human experience, a reason why peace is so difficult to uphold. However, whether peace is an idyllic view of a world we cannot go back to, that pre-Babel state of harmony and uni-language, or a more complex combination of alliances and compromises, it is our duty to defend it. The consequences of not having it are too hard to bear”

(Friedrich, 2007, p. 82).


It is a real pleasure to share with all viewers the ideas that undergraduate students of linguistics and sociolinguistics have shaped around the topic of Peace Linguistics. Thanks to them for being involved!

Es un placer compartir con l@s lectores las ideas a las que han dado forma l@s estudiantes en nivel de pregrado alrededor del tema de la paz lingüística. ¡Gracias a ell@s por ser complices! 

WhatsApp Image 2020-06-01 at 9.01.49 PM.


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Sociolinguistics 2021-1.





Este blog es el resultado de un ejercicio académico de interpretación de algunos documentos sobre el concepto de paz lingüística y la materialización de ideas para la aplicación de dicha paz en contextos académicos.

La paz lingüística en el área educativa es una aproximación interdisciplinaria cuyo objetivo es brindar herramientas para crear condiciones que sensibilicen a los actores involucrados, maestro(a)s, estudiantes y personal administrativo, sobre el uso de las lenguas como mecanismos tanto para una comunicación pacífica como para la comunicación alrededor del tema de la paz. Dicha sensibilización también involucra la identificación del conflicto verbal para evitar la naturalización de la violencia lingüística.

Este joven campo de estudio se nutre de los pensamientos, sensaciones y acciones de quienes deciden escuchar con calma y genuina atención, expresarse de manera más pacífica pero también explorar las maneras en que la palabra puede causar daño y destrucción. Este campo de estudio se nutre de seres humanos más conscientes y decididos a actuar.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

Peace Linguistics 

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Sociolinguistics 2022-2.

WhatsApp Image 2020-06-05 at 10.13.28 PM
Socio 2024-I.tif


This blog is the result of an academic exercise through which some documents about Peace Linguistics have been interpreted and some ideas about how to apply such a kind of peace in academic contexts have been made concrete.

Peace Linguistics (PL) in the educational field is an interdisciplinary approach aimed at exploring tools to create conditions so that teachers, students and administrative staff become sensitized to the fact that languages are mechanisms to enhance both peaceful communication and communication about peace. This field also involves the identification of verbal conflicts as a way to avoid naturalizing linguistic violence

This young field is nurtured from thoughts, feelings and actions of people who decide to listen to others calmly and carefully, to express themselves peacefully, to talk about peace but also to explore ways through which words can cause harm and destruction. This field is comprised of more conscious and ready-to-act human beings.

Peace Linguistics 

White Structure


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