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Foto del escritorAndrés Chacon Casas

Visual literacy for Peace Linguistics

Actualizado: 9 dic 2020

Dear Reader...

In the following section you will find a short comic strip that narrates the life of an unknown hero. The themes tackled in the story are based on common problematics and situation we may experience in our city. Throughout the story you will see the hero's behavior, qualities and personal facts that characterizes him. As readers you'll have a great opportunity to practice your reading skill at the time you can have a space to reflect and analyse with some activities based on the story.

Hope you enjoy!.


Before reading

Let's get started!. Write your own ideas for the following two questions: - How would you define a hero?.

- Which adjectives can you think about that describe a hero?.

Please, write your answers in the following Padlet. (In the Pre reading section put your comments).


While reading

Now let's read the comic!.

You will read the story of an unknown hero created specifically for this Peace Linguistic project. For this, please follow these steps:

- First, read the comic for a first time so you can understand the plot, the purpose and the comic's theme.

- Second, Re-read the comic but this time thinking about one of these three questions listed below. This will require from you a more detalied reading in which you need to pay attention to more specific aspects of the comic.

Questions Which characteristics do you see in the main character of the story?.

Which examples of adjectives do you see in the story?.

Does the main character reflect peaceful behaviors as a hero?

- Finally, within the Padlet answer the question you chose. (in the while reading section within the padlet)

This is the comic strip to read. Click HERE


After reading

Now you are the hero!

In this final task you will write a short reflection having Colombia as context. Try to think about what you can do as a common citizen in order to deal with problematics you perceive in your surroundings or context.

For this, write your answers in the post reading section of the Padlet. You can also check what others comment in order to know about problematics existing in your country and solutions for them.

Finally, I want to say thanks to you all of you for reading about this interesting project that reflects creative ways for us as teacher to teach. As you experienced with these activities, learning with comics allows you to enjoy a visual narrative that provides relevant content you wish to transmit. All the best pals!.

Andrés Camilo Chacón Casas


Wanna learn more about this project? Interesting facts as the tool used for the comic creation, the theoretical sources, and the person who carried this project are here.

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