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Foto del escritorfloreniabohorquezf

Building Ecological Peace Through Language

Dear reader,

This project depicts some environmental issues that have emerged as a result of contact of human being with nature. Its goal is to develop student awareness of the notion of ecological peace throughout the language; furthermore, to make visible certain improper citizen actions that accelerate the destruction of our planet, as well as possible solutions to mitigate the environmental impact.


  1. Raise awareness on students about the concept of ecological peace through language

  2. Make visible some actions and bad behaviors of people that accelerate the deterioration of the environment and avoid living in peace and harmony.

Activity Description

  1. Warm up

To introduce the students to the environmental issues, I will show them a short video (30 seconds) then I will ask what message do you take from the video?

Video retrieved from Video Link Strong environmental message

2. Activity

The first step is to watch the video (3 min) to learn about environmental contamination by human actions. This video will show environmental issues like global warming, the causes, the consequences, and possible solutions to mitigate the negative environmental impact on our planet.

  • Main vocabulary to this video activity

Global warming

Air pollution



Carbon dioxide Greenhouse effect Garbage Recycling

Dear reader, watch the video and pay attention to the vocabulary

  • What vocabulary do you remember from the video?

  • According to the video, do you think that these actions could generate conflict between communities, why?

  • What would be your reaction if your neighbors through their garbage in front of your house?

  • What do you do to prevent global warming and contribute to build ecological peace?

3. Post activity

Look through the Window and share what you saw with regard to the garbage management.

Theoretical Framework

Dear reader, if you want to know more about this project, go to the following link and read the theoretical framework.

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