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Foto del escritorlizet hurtado

Respect on the streets matter

Actualizado: 23 nov 2021

The purpose of this academic project is to help the community to understand the impact of the social issue called "Catcalls". Catcalling is a way of sexual harassment that is usually against women in the streets.

The two main objectives of this project are:

  • To make people aware of the impact that catcalls can have on women who are the ones most affected in the streets.

  • To know how catcalls affect women from a different social perspective and also to know the issue of catcalls from a man's perspective.

Instructions of the activity

(Google images)

Now, answer the following questions down below in the comment section. Note: you can write your name at the beginning of the comment.


  • What sensations come to you when you see these images?

  • What do you think should be done about it?

  • What feeling do you think you would have if you were that person who is being harassed?

Now, we want you to watch the video posted in the link, it is about interventions from three people.

Now we want to read your opinions

After watching the video and listening to the three opinions and experiences, in a padlet, you will answer these three questions:

  • Do you relate to the 3 experiences shared in the video? Which one do you relate to the most?

  • Do you think these experiences talk about how catcalls are a form of linguistic violence?

  • How do you think peace linguistics can reduce the impact of catcalls damage?

Note: click on the icon to check the theoretical framework and references.

We hope you have enjoyed and learned from our peace linguistics project


Handerson Hibla, Veronica Castro & Lizet Hurtado.

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