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Foto del escritorBrayan Manta

A Swayed Way of the Language

Dear reader, in the following section you will find different ways in which linguistic violence is presented in advertising, you might have seen them but you were not aware of it until today. You will be sharing with us your thoughts about linguistic violence in advertising, also you will analyze four advertisements where you will identify the different features that characterize these types of advertisement.

Querido/a lector/ra, en el siguiente apartado encontrarás las diferentes formas en las que la violencia lingüistica esta presente en los anuncios publicitarios, seguramente los habrás visto pero no te habrás percatado de ellos hasta el día de hoy. Estarás compartiendo con nosotros tus puntos de vista acerca de la violencia linguistica en los anuncios publicitarios, además analizaras cuatro de estos anuncios donde identificaras las diversas características que los componen.


The main idea of this project is to show by means of pictures used in the marketing field which are the characteristics that show linguistic violence in advertising.


What do you understand by linguistic violence in advertising?

Have you seen any?

Do you have any examples?

Please share your thoughts in the following link:


You will be analyzing four different advertisements and the features that characterize them.

Please write your analysis in the following link and in its pertinent column: :

Ad #1

Ad #2

Ad #3

Ad #4


After knowing a little bit about linguistic violence in advertising.

What are your thoughts about linguistic violence in advertising?

What implications can linguistic violence have on advertising and in society?

Please write your thoughts in the following link and in the pertinent column:

Thank you for participating in our activity.

If you want to learn more about linguistic violence in advertising, you can click here

Work made by Brayan Manta and Nicolas Pérez

"Who would've thought that so much violence was so good"

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