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Apreciado lector,
La siguiente actividad irá enfocada hacia la paz lingüística en la cual a través de una canción podrá reflexionar acerca del impacto que la comunicación tiene en nuestra sociedad. En esta actividad usted tendrá la oportunidad de practicar su habilidad de escucha, aprender o repasar vocabulario además de reflexionar y analizar acerca de la paz y la violencia como realidad social.
Dear reader,
The next activity will be focused on peace linguistics through a song in which you can reflect on the impact communication has in our society. In this activity, you will have the opportunity to practice not only your listening skill and learn or review vocabulary, but also to reflect and analyze peace and violence as a social reality.
El objetivo de esta actividad es/ The objective of this activity is:
Al final de esta actividad usted podrá reconocer y reflexionar acerca de conceptos relacionados con la paz y la guerra a través de la canción Where is the love? de Black Eyed Peas
At the end of this activity you will recognize and reflect on concepts related to peace and war through a song by Black Eyed Peas, Where is the love?
Before listening
Choose one word from the list and look for its meaning
You can share what you found in this padlet . Then, you can read some of the other’s answers to refresh or recognize more about the other words.
While listening
You will find the lyrics of the song Where is the love? by Black Eyed Peas in a doc. Make a copy, please!
The lyrics will have some spaces where you have to fill the blanks with the following words (Terrorism, discriminate, fairness, animosity, selfishness, and equality) while you are listening to the song.
After listening
After listening to the song, you can answer some questions on the chat (In the blog or in the class)
What do you think the song wants to express?
What is the relationship between the song and peace and war?
Do you find any quote in the song that relates to any experience of your own life? Explain it.
Thank you for participating in this activity, if you want to see a brief theoretical framework for this project, you can click here